No. 241 It Was You 犯人はあなたなの
Noon | Sakura High School | Nurse's Office | 1985
△Surveillance Footage
Ryoko Shinonome:
Surveillance footage…?
That's right.
I saw something important…
I can't remember.
Maybe I should go look again.
It was in Shikishima's underground facility, in 2105.
I just need to… get to the gate…
東雲諒子: ゲートが 使えないのは
私を自由にしないための 嘘だとしたら…
Ryoko Shinonome: They said the gate's been sealed, but…
What if it's a lie? A way to try and keep me here?
Sakura High School | Science Room
△Surveillance Footage:
東雲諒子: 監視映像…?
Ryoko Shinonome: Surveillance footage…?
I saw something important…
Shifter Gate
東雲諒子: やはりだめか…
Ryoko Shinonome: I knew it wouldn't work.
森村千尋: どこへ行くの?
Chihiro Morimura: What are you doing?
東雲諒子: 森村…
Ryoko Shinonome:
森村千尋: 待ちなさい
Chihiro Morimura:
×Ms. Morimura
森村千尋: ゲートにはロックを かけている
Chihiro Morimura: I locked the gate.
You won't be able to use it.
東雲諒子: やはり…
使えなくして いたのは
426じゃなく あなただったわけだ
Ryoko Shinonome: I knew it.
It was you.
You disabled the gates, not 426.
×Ms. Morimura
森村千尋: やせ我慢せず 薬を飲みなさい
Chihiro Morimura: Stop being ridiculous. You need to take your pills.
東雲諒子: 頭を狂わせる洗脳の 薬なんか飲まない
Ryoko Shinonome: I won't let those damn mind-controlling pills screw with my head anymore!
森村千尋: 誰がそんな話を?
Chihiro Morimura: Who told you that?
東雲諒子: 私がこの目で見た
冬坂五百里も私も おかしくするつもりだ
Ryoko Shinonome: I saw it for myself.
You're trying to mess with both me and Iori Fuyusaka's heads!
森村千尋: 悪化してるわ…
Chihiro Morimura: She's getting worse…
×Ms. Morimura
森村千尋: 2064年の事件で 混入したコードは
頭の中のナノマシンを 剥離させる
要するに記憶が 消えていくの…
あなたが 飲んでいる薬は
ナノマシンの 剥離を抑制し
結合を維持する ためのものよ
でも段々効果が 出にくくなってる
Chihiro Morimura: The code that infected the Sentinels in 2064.
It separates the nanomachines from the rest of your brain.
Your memories will keep disappearing.
Those pills you've been taking…
They inhibit that separation.
They try to preserve the link.
But its effectiveness has been gradually decreasing.
東雲諒子: あなたの話なんて 信じない
Ryoko Shinonome: No. I won't believe anything you say!
×Ms. Morimura
東雲諒子: 郷登蓮也は どうしたの?
まさか彼にも 何かしてるんじゃ…
Ryoko Shinonome: Where's Renya Gouto?
Are you screwing him up too?
森村千尋: 事件の犯人は あなたなの
Chihiro Morimura: It was you, you know.
東雲諒子: !?
Ryoko Shinonome: !?
森村千尋: 426の作った コードを
あなたが混入させた ことは判明してる
Chihiro Morimura: You were the cause of the infection.
You inserted the code that 426 created.
東雲諒子: そんなうそで…
Ryoko Shinonome: No. just more lies…
郷登蓮也: 本当だ
Renya Gouto: It's true.
東雲諒子: 郷登…
Ryoko Shinonome: Gouto…
×Renya Gouto
東雲諒子: あなたやっぱり 森村とグルだったの?
Ryoko Shinonome: You were conspiring with Morimura whole time?
郷登蓮也: 何度も真実を 話してきたが
君はそれを 認められず
そして その記憶を失う
Renya Gouto: I've told you the truth a number of times.
But you weren't able to accept it.
You couldn't hold on to the memory.
東雲諒子: うそよ
薬で… 私をおかしくした
Ryoko Shinonome: That's a lie.
You messed me up with those pills. You made me confused.
郷登蓮也: 思い出してくれ
機兵の暴走を招く コードDD-426を…
君が関ヶ原に 仕掛けた
Renya Gouto: It's all there. You just have to remember.
The code that infected the Sentinels… DD-426…
You were the one that gave it to Sekigahara.
東雲諒子: うそだ…
Ryoko Shinonome: You're lying…